Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Quality Management System In Histopathology Laboratory: -An Introduction By Benard Solomon

High quality Histopathology Laboratory results are becoming increasingly important as physicians, Pathologists and patients (clients) raise the level of their expectations on the competence of the Histo-Scientist to enhance:
·         Diagnosis
·         Appropriate treatment/Management decisions
·         Disease Prevention and
·         Governance (Planning and budgeting)
All procedures and processes established to effect quality outcome must therefore be able to detect errors in order to mitigate poor results.
The need for accurate, reliable and timely medical laboratory results is explained in the ISO 15189:2012 and ISO 9001:2000 which must be implemented by medical laboratories with intention to be relevant and competitive in this modern age.
The concept of quality management system recently gaining ground is often generalized with no allusion to how it applies to the histopathology laboratory.
It is our utmost pleasure therefore to address how quality management system could be applied in the histopathology laboratory.

To explain the concept of quality management system as it applies to the histopathology laboratory
·         To define simple related terms
·         To reveal the 12 QMS model
·         To give practical illustration on how to apply the 12 essentials of QMS in histopathology laboratory setting.
Quality Management System
According to the ISO, quality management system (QMS) is defined as ‘coordinated activities (management system) to direct and control an organization with regards to quality’.
Histo means tissues; pathology means study of diseases.  Histopathology therefore is the study of diseases in tissues.
According to AMLSN-MLSCN e-learning course on quality management system, Laboratory is a building or part of a building, or other place equipped to conduct scientific experiments.

Medical Laboratory
Medical laboratory is a building or part of a building or other place equipped to conduct scientific analysis on human and animal tissues, body fluid, excretions, production of biological, for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment and research.
Histopathology Laboratory

This is a building or part of a building where scientific analysis is done on human and animal tissues for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment and research.

Next...........Quality Management System Model

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